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Error: API requests are being delayed for this account. New posts will not be retrieved.
There may be an issue with the Instagram access token that you are using. Your server might also be unable to connect to Instagram at this time.
Green Tea Choco Cheese" by pocoyo waffle is crispy yet tasty! One bite would never be enough
Green Tea Choco Cheese" Malem2 enaknya makan apa ya? terbul udah bosen? Hmmmm... Pocoyo aja!! Recomended banget dehh, luarnya crispy dalemnya lembut dan green teanya kerasa, fillingnya juga ga pelit.
Snack sepulang kerja? Pcoyo waffle and hotdog yang paling pas! Meet my fave Black Forest Waffle!
Berbagai lokasi yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia.
Berbagai artikel mengenai waffle, hotdog, kuliner, bahkan dessert yang tentunya menarik untuk disimak.